The Root and Rise Podcast | Personal Growth, Motherhood, & Healing Trauma

How to Actually Support Someone in an Abusive or Toxic Relationship with Beth, a Friendship Expert

Breanne Smith / Beth Episode 39

How to know if someone is in an abusive relationship and how to navigate that situation as someone on the outside. I've been on both sides and have brought in an expert on supporting loved ones through (and out of) abusive and toxic relationships. 

Whether it's your friend, sister, co-worker, family member, or neighbor that you suspect might be in a relationship, we will talk about the warning signs to look out for, how to offer help in a way that doesn't enable the behavior but also won't push them away, and how to care for yourself as you care for them.

We will discuss:

  • How to help a loved one in a toxic or an abusive relationship
  • Helping a friend out of domestic violence
  • Warning signs of abuse in friends and family
  • How to know and tell if your friend is in an abusive relationship
  • How to deal with being around an abuser when you know what they are doing
  • Providing support to a domestic violence victim/survivor
  • Understanding why they won’t leave an abusive relationships
  • Reasons people stay in abusive relationships
  • Supporting someone who keeps returning to an abusive or toxic relationship
  • Helping someone leave an abusive partner
  • What to do when a friend is in an abusive relationship
  • How to care for yourself when you are caring for your friend or loved one
  • Being the support system for someone in an abusive relationship
  • When your friend, sister, family member, or coworker is in emotionally abusive, physically abusive, mentally abusive, or financially abusive relationship
  • Empowering survivors of abuse
  • Using trauma-informed practices and language
  • Coming up with a safety plan for victims of domestic violence


Episodes and Articles Mentioned:

  • Speaking Out About Abuse Safely
  • Post-Traumatic Growth and Overcoming Domestic Violence with Nichole Myles
  • Building Resilience and Trauma-Informed Language with Nichole Myles


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Special credit to Purple Planet Music for the background track,

Whenever I talk about domestic violence, I like to include the hotline that you can call or text if you are in that situation. You can contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline by calling 1-800-799-SAFE or by texting “start” to 88788. You are not alone. And you do not have to go through this alone.