The Root and Rise Podcast | Personal Growth, Motherhood, & Healing Trauma

Post-Traumatic Growth and Overcoming Abuse with Nichole Myles

Breanne Smith / Nichole Myles Episode 37

TW: Discussion of domestic violence. Nichole Myles is a survivor and speaker who talks about post-traumatic growth, resilience, and trauma-informed practices. We had so much to talk about that this interview will be broken up into two parts - with today’s focus being thriving after abuse and post-traumatic growth. 

We will discuss:

  • Surviving domestic violence
  • Leaving an abusive relationship or marriage
  • Having a child in an abusive relationship
  • Healing from abuse and trauma
  • Post-Traumatic growth
  • Empowering yourself after abuse
  • Shame around divorce and leaving abusive marriages
  • Staying in an abusive relationship or marriage for a child
  • Recovering after abuse and domestic violence
  • Talking about your abuse
  • How to know if you are being abused
  • How to know if you are in an abusive relationship
  • Believing the abuse is not your fault
  • Negative self-talk and messaging
  • NLP // Neuro Linguistic Programming Tips
  • Grieving an abusive relationship or missing your abuser
  • Going no contact with your abuser
  • Toxic positivity and toxic gratitude
  •  Loss of identity after abuse
  • Feeling broken after abuse
  • Finding your voice after abuse
  • Reclaiming your story
  • DARVO technique
  • Rebuilding your life after abuse
  • Talking your power back

You can find today's show notes on Root and Rise Blog.

 You can find Nichole here:

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Whenever I talk about domestic violence, I like to include the hotline that you can call or text if you are in that situation. You can contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline by calling 1-800-799-SAFE or by texting “start” to 88788. You are not alone. And you do not have to go through this alone.

Special credit to Purple Planet Music for the background track,